Monday, December 1, 2008

Good News!

We found out today that I'm pregnant! We've been trying to conceive on and off since my most recent loss in August 2007. After being on high doses of Clomid for most of the year, I was beginning to be concerned about broken parts. Honestly, so were the doctors.

After developing an ovarian cyst during my Sept/Oct cycle and having my normally 28-day cycle extend to 52 days, my doctor decided we should take a month-long break. I just saw my OB/GYN two weeks ago for my annual, and he was in agreement for the month only, but then wanted us right back on the conception track. His words, "I don't care who gets you pregnant, as long as we get you there." I'm hoping he meant my doctors by medical procedures -- not some other way! :)

Anyway, this cycle was sort of a wash, what with Thanksgiving and traveling and the adoption seminar. We really had no hope. But, I had a cheap Dollar Tree test in the bathroom, and I took it late at night right before we planned to watch a movie. I took it, left it, and came back to check five minutes later. To my absolute surprise, I saw two lines!

We're very excited, but very apprehensive. Already, we've begun praying. I'll repeat the tests in the morning.

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